Prepare for Medical Emergencies with a Life-Saving First Aid Kit

woman placing red first aid kit pouch into a light blue drawstring backpack

Medical help can be far away or take a long time to get to you in an emergency like a natural disaster. Though you can’t plan for every possible scenario, having a well-stocked first aid kit at your fingertips is always a great idea. In some cases, it can even be a lifesaver! 

From natural disasters to bumps and bruises, there are vital medical supplies to stock up on before you need them. Prepare yourself the best you can by creating a comprehensive first aid kit. 

What Should Go in My First Aid Kit?

A simple and quick solution is purchasing a pre-made first aid kit for preppers. A ready-made personal injury kit, such as the 4Patriots Patriot First Aid Kit, is a great base you can build on to customize.

If you buy a pre-built kit, you can purchase multiple or add more supplies to adjust for how many people are in your household or group. You should also include a backup of prescription medications, inhalers, etc. 

And if you find that your family is raiding your kit for bandages often, don’t forget to restock or even keep an individual stock that you can use daily. 

12 Items For Your Personal Injury Kit

  1. Bandages of different sizes for minor wounds
  2. Gauze and adhesive tape 
  3. Emergency blanket(s) for warmth and to help prevent shock
  4. Painkillers such as aspirin or ibuprofen
  5. Tools like scissors, tweezers, a razor blade, and a multi-tool
  6. Antiseptic wipes for cleaning wounds
  7. Cold pack for sprains
  8. Latex-free gloves to wear while tending to injuries
  9. Antihistamines for allergic reactions
  10. Feminine hygiene products
  11. Hand sanitizer for essential sterilization
  12. Trauma pads for more significant injuries

Advanced First Aid Kit

If you already have a basic first aid kit and are ready to prepare for a more complex medical emergency, consider adding more items. Some of these tools listed below require more training and knowledge than basic first aid, so consider taking a wilderness/disaster first aid course to boost your confidence in using them. It’s one thing to slap a bandaid on a skinned knee and another to try to set a bone with a SAM splint!

  • Suture/wound closure kit 
  • Bleeding control kit for severe bleeds
  • CPR face shields for protection
  • SAM splint for soft tissue and bone injuries

Beyond First Aid

Your first aid kit is the foundation of your survival kit, medical bug-out bag, vehicle emergency kit, and more. After you have basic medical needs covered, you can start to think about what else you may need in an emergency, such as food and water, a hygiene kit, pet supplies, and more. A solid survival kit should cover you and your family for many different scenarios. 

Another valuable asset to have in your kit is knowledge! Don’t wait until an emergency to learn how to use the tools in your kit. CPR and basic first aid classes are often available from local non-profit organizations. Wilderness and disaster first aid courses can teach you more complex skills that can come in handy if you plan to bug out somewhere remote.

Count on 4Patriots to help you prepare for the uncertain future. Shop safety essentials like first aid kits and other emergency supplies, including survival food kits, solar generators, and more!