How to Keep Yourself and Your Family Protected This Wildfire Season

wildfire burning through trees

Wildfires can come out of nowhere and spread fast, decimating everything in their path. If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that those in drier climates should always be prepared for this devastating disaster. Make sure you’re ready to protect your home and your family as wildfire season reaches its peak.  

Always Have a Plan

Wildfires are one of the most common emergencies. States like California, Texas, Colorado, and Montana see the most wildfires, but anyone living near wildland should be prepared for the worst. You never know when an irresponsible camper or random strike of lightning might cause an out-of-control fire to spread. 

The first step to being prepared is creating a disaster readiness plan for your family. Everyone in your household should be aware of the plan and know what their specific role is in case of an emergency. Have a few pre-arranged meeting points and practice evacuation plans so everyone is well prepared for the real deal. If you have pets or livestock, make sure they’re included in your evacuation plans. 

Don’t forget to have a survival kit ready to grab and go when evacuation orders hit. You may even want to make several smaller kits so everyone has their own. 

How Can You Protect Your House From Fire?

You can’t stop a wildfire from spreading, but you can try to defend your home against one. Flying embers, direct flame, and high temperatures can all catch your home on fire, leaving you without anything to return to. Creating a defensible space around your home can increase the chances of your home surviving. 

According to FEMA, you want to create 30 feet of defensible space to help protect your home from wildfires. In this space, remove as much flammable vegetation as you can and use non-combustible materials like gravel, rock, and concrete where possible. On your actual home, clear your roof and gutters of dead leaves, pine needles, and other debris that can catch fire. If you can, consider installing fire-resistant wall coverings and covering exterior vents with metal mesh to prevent embers from entering your home.

Evacuation Orders and Bugging Out

What should you do when you receive an evacuation notice from local authorities? An evacuation warning means the fire could threaten nearby structures, and evacuation is encouraged but not mandatory. An evacuation order means there’s an immediate threat, and evacuation is required. You also don’t have to wait for official orders. If your gut is telling you things will go south, listen to it. You can evacuate at any time, which can help you avoid the scramble and traffic congestion that come with official orders.

Evacuation is when your emergency preparedness plan comes in handy. Everyone in your household should know what they need to grab and where they need to go. Gather your animals, secure them in your vehicle or trailer, and ensure they don’t have a way to escape. Load everyone else up, and you’re ready to go. Local officials will let you know where the evacuation shelters are (usually with a designated one for livestock) and may give you a specific route. 

What to Put in Your Wildfire Kit

You should always have a survival kit ready to go in case of any emergency. Make sure yours has these supplies for a wildfire:

When you first hear news of an approaching wildfire, you may want to prepare suitcases with a few days’ worth of clean clothes and some sentimental items. You may not have time to gather these things when there’s an immediate wildfire threat. If you think evacuation is at all possible, it’s also a good idea to pre-load your car with your wildfire kit and suitcases. Then, all you have to do is get in and drive. 

Create a Fire Go-Bag With 4Patriots

Wildfires aren’t a disaster you can wait out. Have a go-bag ready in case you get hit with evacuation orders. Stock your bug-out bag with the supplies you need from 4Patriots. Shop survival food kits, solar portable radios, and more online today.